

An Enhanced Scheme to Defend against False-Endorsement-Based DoS Attacks in WSNs

14 years 9 months ago
An Enhanced Scheme to Defend against False-Endorsement-Based DoS Attacks in WSNs
— Node compromise is a serious threat in wireless sensor networks, as it enables an adversary to perform various attacks. Many security schemes exploit the redundancy of many wireless sensor networks to mitigate the impact of node compromise. A report for the base station, generated by one node, must be endorsed by multiple neighboring sensor nodes. However, already proposed schemes are susceptible to False-EndorsementBased Denial of Service attacks, where a compromised node sends a false endorsement that invalidates the collaboratively generated report. A formerly proposed scheme addresses such an attack, thereby enabling the detection and exclusion of false endorsing nodes. However, a jamming attack can result in a false exclusion of non-compromised nodes. In this paper, we discuss possible solutions to prevent false exclusions of non-compromised nodes and propose an extended scheme.
Christoph Krauß, Markus Schneider, Claudia E
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Christoph Krauß, Markus Schneider, Claudia Eckert
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