

Increasing Expressiveness of Composite Events Using Parameter Contexts

14 years 9 months ago
Increasing Expressiveness of Composite Events Using Parameter Contexts
The event-condition-action paradigm (also known as triggers or ECA rules) gives a database “active” capabilities – the ability to react automatically to changes in the database or the environment. Events can be primitive or composite. Primitive events cannot be decomposed. Different types of primitive events can be composed using event composition operators to form composite events. When a composite event occurs, it is possible that many instances of some constituent primitive event occurs. The context determines which of these primitive events should be considered for evaluating the composite event. Researchers have identified four different contexts, namely, recent, chronicle, continuous, and cumulative that can be associated with a composite event. Associating a single context with a complex composite event is often times not adequate. Many real-world scenarios cannot be expressed if a composite event is associated with a single context. To solve this problem, we need to asso...
Indrakshi Ray, Wei Huang
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Indrakshi Ray, Wei Huang
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