

Output-Determinacy and Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis

14 years 9 months ago
Output-Determinacy and Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis
Signal Transition Graphs (STG) are a formalism for the description of asynchronous circuit behaviour. In this paper we propose (and justify) a formal semantics of nondeterministic STGs with dummies and OR-causality. For this, we introduce the concept of output-determinacy, which is a relaxation of determinism, and argue that it is reasonable and useful in the speed-independent context. With our theory we improve an STG decomposition algorithm, which can alleviate state explosion.
Victor Khomenko, Mark Schäfer, Walter Vogler
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ACSD
Authors Victor Khomenko, Mark Schäfer, Walter Vogler
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