

QoS-LI: QoS Loss Inference in Disadvantaged Networks

14 years 8 months ago
QoS-LI: QoS Loss Inference in Disadvantaged Networks
— Quality of Service (QoS) of disadvantaged networks is usually considered from a purely network standpoint in existing works. Adversarial intervention in such networks is not analyzed, nor is it possible to infer if a QoS loss is benign or otherwise. In this work, we analyze the nature of a QoS loss between a remote system and a backend service infrastructure connected over a disadvantaged satellite network. We present a game theoretic framework to infer if a QoS loss is due to benign or malicious factors. An attack on the backend system (DDoS attack) or on the transmitting station (RF Jamming) is considered to be a malicious factor, while a statistical network variation due to random noise is considered to be a benign factor. We then present the implementation of the game theoretic framework to the satellite network, and verify the validity of the idea through simulations in OPNET. Keywords – Disadvantaged Networks, Game Theory, K-Armed Bandit Problem, QoS, Resource Selection, Sa...
Vidyaraman Sankaranarayanan, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya,
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where AINA
Authors Vidyaraman Sankaranarayanan, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, Kevin A. Kwiat
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