

Robust Visual Tracking for Multiple Targets

15 years 5 months ago
Robust Visual Tracking for Multiple Targets
We address the problem of robust multi-target tracking within the application of hockey player tracking. The particle filter technique is adopted and modified to fit into the multi-target tracking framework. A rectification technique is employed to find the correspondence between the video frame coordinates and the standard hockey rink coordinates so that the system can compensate for camera motion and improve the dynamics of the players. A global nearest neighbor data association algorithm is introduced to assign boosting detections to the existing tracks for the proposal distribution in particle filters. The mean-shift algorithm is embedded into the particle filter framework to stabilize the trajectories of the targets for robust tracking during mutual occlusion. Experimental results show that our system is able to automatically and robustly track a variable number of targets and correctly maintain their identities regardless of background clutter, camera motion and frequent mutual o...
Yizheng Cai, Nando de Freitas, James J. Little
Added 16 Oct 2009
Updated 16 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ECCV
Authors Yizheng Cai, Nando de Freitas, James J. Little
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