

OntoDB: An Ontology-Based Database for Data Intensive Applications

14 years 9 months ago
OntoDB: An Ontology-Based Database for Data Intensive Applications
Recently, several approaches and systems were proposed to store in the same database data and the ontologies describing their meanings. We call these databases, ontology-based databases (OBDBs), and Ontology-based data denotes those data that represent ontology individuals (i.e., instance of ontology classes). To ensure a high performance of queries on top of these OBDBs, efficient representation of ontology-based data becomes a new challenge. Two main representation schemes have been proposed for ontology-based data: vertical and binary representations with a variant called hybrid. In all these schemes, each instance is split into a number of tuples. In this paper, we propose a new representation of ontology-based data, called table per class. It consists in associating a table to each ontology class, where all property values of a class instance are represented in a same row. Columns of this table represents those properties of the ontology class that are associated with a value for ...
Dehainsala Hondjack, Guy Pierra, Ladjel Bellatrech
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Dehainsala Hondjack, Guy Pierra, Ladjel Bellatreche
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