

Passive Listening and Intrusion Management in Commodity Wi-Fi Networks

14 years 6 months ago
Passive Listening and Intrusion Management in Commodity Wi-Fi Networks
—We examine a widely accepted myth about passive listening in wireless networks, and give a detailed description of how to achieve real “passive listening.” Then we develop a lightweight intrusion management system called LIMS for commodity Wi-Fi networks. Our system employs novel techniques to increase network resilience to passive and active attacks that could reveal the WEP/WPA-PSK shared key. LIMS has the following nice properties: i) it requires neither specialized hardware nor modification to existing security protocols (e.g., WEP and WPA); ii) the proposed mechanism can be integrated with an access point in a plugin manner; iii) it provides a cost-effective security enhancement to Wi-Fi networks by incorporating free but mature software tools; iv) it has the ability to prevent a certain class of DoS attacks.
Liran Ma, Amin Y. Teymorian, Xiuzhen Cheng
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Liran Ma, Amin Y. Teymorian, Xiuzhen Cheng
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