Abstract—We examine the performance of a rate-0.9 structured irregular repeat-accumulate (S-IRA) code on a perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) channel with media noise. To account for the presence of data-dependent media noise, a pattern-dependent-noise-predictive (PDNP) channel detector is employed, in which the prediction filters are trained using the LMS algorithm. We compare the error rate performance of the S-IRA code with that of a Reed-Solomon (RS) code of the same length and rate, with the PDNP detector present in both cases. Our results show that the S-IRA code achieves a gain of over 1 dB relative to the RS code for sector error rates down past 10−4 , but only if the columns of its H-matrix are properly permuted. We have also estimated that the linear density gain attainable by the S-IRA code relative to the RS code is about 8% for the operating point we have chosen.
Yang Han, William E. Ryan