

A Busy-Tone Based MAC Scheme for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antennas

14 years 6 months ago
A Busy-Tone Based MAC Scheme for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antennas
— Applying directional antennas in wireless ad hoc networks offers numerous benefits, such as extended communication range, increased spatial reuse, improved capacity and suppressed interference. However, directional antennas can cause new location-dependent carrier sensing problems, such as new hidden terminal and deafness problems, which can cause severe penalties to the performance. Recently, a few schemes have been proposed to tackle these problems. However, these methods can provide limited solutions on the hidden terminal and deafness problems. We propose a new MAC protocol, termed the busy-tone based directional medium access control (BT-DMAC) protocol. When the transmission is in progress, the sender and the receiver will turn on their omnidirectional busy tone to protect the transmission. By combining with directional network allocation vector (DNAV), the scheme almost mitigates the hidden and the deafness problems completely. The mechanism increases the probability of succ...
Hongning Dai, Kam-Wing Ng, Min-You Wu
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Hongning Dai, Kam-Wing Ng, Min-You Wu
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