

Efficient Factorisation Algorithm for List Decoding Algebraic-Geometric and Reed-Solomon Codes

14 years 7 months ago
Efficient Factorisation Algorithm for List Decoding Algebraic-Geometric and Reed-Solomon Codes
— The list decoding algorithm can outperform the conventional unique decoding algorithm by producing a list of candidate decoded messages. An efficient list decoding algorithm for Algebraic-Geometric (AG) codes and Reed-Solomon (RS) codes has been developed by Guruswami and Sudan, called the Guruswami-Sudan (GS) algorithm. The algorithm includes two steps: Interpolation and Factorisation. To implement interpolation, Koetter proposed an iterative polynomial construction algorithm for RS codes. By redefining a polynomial over algebraic function fields, Koetter’s algorithm can also be applied to AG codes. To implement factorisation, Roth and Ruckenstein proposed an efficient algorithm for RS codes and later Wu and Siegel extended it to AG codes. Following on from their previous work, we propose a more general factorisation algorithm which can be applied to both AG and RS codes. This algorithm avoids rational function quotient calculations required by Wu and Siegel’s algorithm, makin...
L. Chen, Rolando A. Carrasco, Martin Johnston, E.
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors L. Chen, Rolando A. Carrasco, Martin Johnston, E. Graeme Chester
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