

Dynamic Network Selection using Kernels

14 years 8 months ago
Dynamic Network Selection using Kernels
—We present a new algorithm for vertical handover and dynamic network selection, based on a combination of multiattribute utility theory, kernel learning and stochastic gradient descent. We show that this new method is able to improve network selection in a non-stationary mobile environment. Furthermore, since the kernel employed is based on the utility functions for attributes such as Availability, Quality and Cost, the kernel regression in fact gives interpretable results. We present simulation results that demonstrate our algorithm being able to dynamically learn utilities and efficiently select networks. Keywords-Mobility management, network selection, handover, kernels, statistical learning
Eric van den Berg, Praveen Gopalakrishnan, Byungsu
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors Eric van den Berg, Praveen Gopalakrishnan, Byungsuk Kim, Bryan Lyles, Won-Ik Kim, Yeon-Seung Shin, Yeong-Jin Kim
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