

Adaptive Throughput Optimization for MIMO Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channels

14 years 8 months ago
Adaptive Throughput Optimization for MIMO Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channels
—We consider the adaptive throughput optimization problem for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in Rayleigh fading channels. With perfect channel knowledge at the transmitter (CSIT), MIMO channels can be decomposed into several sub-channels. To solve the problem of maximizing the sum throughput of all sub-channels, we take a two-step approach: allocation of power to each sub-channel and adaptive modulation at each sub-channel. By using the existing results on the optimal adaptive modulation parameters, we focus on the power allocation to sub-channels. Specifically, we propose four power allocation schemes and compare the schemes based on numerical results.
Younggeun Cho, Min-Sung Kim, Fouad A. Tobagi
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors Younggeun Cho, Min-Sung Kim, Fouad A. Tobagi
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