

Binary Repetition Codes and SPC Product Codes for Coded and Cooperative Diversity Systems

14 years 9 months ago
Binary Repetition Codes and SPC Product Codes for Coded and Cooperative Diversity Systems
— A three stage network protocol that can achieve coded and cooperative diversity to improve network coverage is investigated. In Stage 1, a cyclic redundancy check code is used to detect erroneous packets. Binary repetition codes and single parity check product codes are used in Stage 2 to achieve forward diversity. The transmitter powers for binary repetition codes are optimized to improve the packet error rate. “N” Node cooperation in Stage 3 is implemented using random single parity check codes distributed across the nodes. The network coverage is shown to be improved in all three stages. The cooperation gains are found to be strongly dependent on the particular network realization and less on the number of cooperating nodes.
Pavel Loskot, Norman C. Beaulieu
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors Pavel Loskot, Norman C. Beaulieu
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