

Widely Linear Prediction for Blind Equalization

14 years 8 months ago
Widely Linear Prediction for Blind Equalization
— This paper proposes a new blind equalization scheme based on widely linear (WL) prediction. It permits to compensate non-minimum phase channels with or without spectral nulls, since the received signal can be interpreted as a convolution of a real-valued data sequence and a complex baseband channel. Such a transmission model applies, for instance, to the ASK, OQAM and binary MSK-type modulations. The WL prediction technique uses a linear combination of the complex delayed samples of the received signal and its complex conjugate to predict the current sample. The proposed WL blind equalizer presents a low computational complexity and a higher convergence rate as compared to others blind equalization techniques.
Francisco J. A. de Aquino, Carlos A. F. da Rocha,
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors Francisco J. A. de Aquino, Carlos A. F. da Rocha, Leonardo S. Resende
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