

An Experimental Investigation of Parallel Multimedia Streams Over IEEE 802.11e WLAN Networks Using TXOP

14 years 8 months ago
An Experimental Investigation of Parallel Multimedia Streams Over IEEE 802.11e WLAN Networks Using TXOP
– In this paper we perform an experimental investigation of the IEEE 802.11e TXOP facility to enhance the transmission of parallel multimedia streaming sessions through efficient bandwidth reservation and explicitly consider both the audio and video streams. The delay constraints associated with the audio and video streams that comprise a multimedia session pose the greatest challenge since real-time multimedia is particularly sensitive to delay as the packets require a strict bounded end-to-end delay. We show how the TXOPLimit parameter can be efficiently dimensioned to reduce the transmission delay for the video frames. Due to its frame-based nature, video applications are considered to be bursty as each video frame is typically transmitted as a burst of packets. The size of the burst is related to the size of the video frame and the number of packets required to transmit the video frame. The TXOP facility is particularly suited to efficiently deal with this burstiness since it can...
Nicola Cranley, Tanmoy Debnath, Mark Davis
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors Nicola Cranley, Tanmoy Debnath, Mark Davis
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