

Understanding Peer-level Performance in BitTorrent: A Measurement Study

14 years 9 months ago
Understanding Peer-level Performance in BitTorrent: A Measurement Study
—The observed performance by individual peers in BitTorrent can be simply measured by their average download rate. While it is often stated that the observed peer-level performance by BitTorrent clients is high, it is difficult to accurately verify this claim due to the large scale, distributed and dynamic nature of this P2P system. To provide a “representative” characterization of peer-level performance in BitTorrent, the following two important questions should be addressed: (i) What is the distribution of observed performance among participating peers in a torrent? (ii) What are the primary peer- or group-level properties that determine observed performance by individual peers? In this paper, we conduct a measurement study to tackle these two questions. Toward this end, we derive observed performance for nearly all participating peers along with their main peer- and (peer-view of) group-level properties in three different torrents. Our results show that the probability of exp...
Amir H. Rasti, Reza Rejaie
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Amir H. Rasti, Reza Rejaie
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