

DEFORMOTION: Deforming Motion, Shape Average and the Joint Registration and Segmentation of Images

15 years 4 months ago
DEFORMOTION: Deforming Motion, Shape Average and the Joint Registration and Segmentation of Images
What does it mean for a deforming object to be "moving" (see Fig. 1)? How can we separate the overall motion (a finite-dimensional group action) from the more general deformation (a diffeomorphism)? In this paper we propose a definition of motion for a deforming object and introduce a notion of "shape average" as the entity that separates the motion from the deformation. Our definition allows us to derive novel and efficient algorithms to register non-equivalent shapes using region-based methods, and to simultaneously approximate and register structures in grey-scale images. We also extend the notion of shape average to that of a "moving average" in order to track moving and deforming objects through time.
Stefano Soatto, Anthony J. Yezzi
Added 16 Oct 2009
Updated 16 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ECCV
Authors Stefano Soatto, Anthony J. Yezzi
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