

Incremental Quantization for Aging Data Streams

14 years 8 months ago
Incremental Quantization for Aging Data Streams
A growing number of applications have become reliant or can benefit from monitoring data streams. Data streams are potentially unbounded in size, hence, Data Stream Management Systems generally maintain a “sliding window” containing the N most recent elements. In an environment where the number of stream sources can vary, the amount of storage available to hold the sliding window can reduce dramatically. However, it has already been noted that as data becomes older their relevance tends to diminish until they are ultimately discarded from the sliding window. Based on this assumption, we propose to “wound” older data elements by relaxing their storage requirements as an effort constantly free enough space to keep pace with accurate representation of incoming elements in a process that we call aging. We propose two incremental quantization techniques that enable aging in an efficient manner. We will show that, by relaxing storage utilization of the summary created by our quant...
Fatih Altiparmak, David Chiu, Hakan Ferhatosmanogl
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICDM
Authors Fatih Altiparmak, David Chiu, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
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