

Multiscale Random Projections for Compressive Classification

14 years 9 months ago
Multiscale Random Projections for Compressive Classification
We propose a framework for exploiting dimension-reducing random projections in detection and classification problems. Our approach is based on the generalized likelihood ratio test; in the case of image classification, it exploits the fact that a set of images of a fixed scene under varying articulation parameters forms a low-dimensional, nonlinear manifold. Exploiting recent results showing that random projections stably embed a smooth manifold in a lower-dimensional space, we develop the multiscale smashed filter as a compressive analog of the familiar matched filter classifier. In a practical target classification problem using a single-pixel camera that directly acquires compressive image projections, we achieve high classification rates using many fewer measurements than the dimensionality of the images.
Marco F. Duarte, Mark A. Davenport, Michael B. Wak
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICIP
Authors Marco F. Duarte, Mark A. Davenport, Michael B. Wakin, Jason N. Laska, Dharmpal Takhar, Kevin F. Kelly, Richard G. Baraniuk
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