

Towards System-level Optimization for High Performance Unified Threat Management

14 years 6 months ago
Towards System-level Optimization for High Performance Unified Threat Management
To build holistic protection against complex and blended network threats, multiple security features need to be integrated into a unified security architecture, which requires in Unified Threat Management (UTM). However, most existing UTMs operate by simply stringing together a number of security applications working independently without system level optimization that streamlines processing flow and leverages shared information and resources to reach high performance. In this paper, a generic framework is proposed to optimize the performance of UTMs at both algorithmic and architectural aspects by exploring the idea of Integrated Protocol Processing (IPP). The algorithm proposed in this paper improves overall protocol processing complexity of ACL and IDS from (log( ) log( ))M NΘ + to (log( ))M NΘ + . Experiments on Intel IXP2850 network processor show that our scheme outperforms existing solutions with 30% increase of throughput.
Yaxuan Qi, Baohua Yang, Bo Xu, Jun Li
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICNS
Authors Yaxuan Qi, Baohua Yang, Bo Xu, Jun Li
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