

A Smart Vision Sensor for Detecting Risk Factors of a Toddler's Fall in a Home Environment

14 years 6 months ago
A Smart Vision Sensor for Detecting Risk Factors of a Toddler's Fall in a Home Environment
This paper presents a smart vision sensor for environmental hazards (such as slippery surfaces) and detecting risk factors of a toddler's fall in an indoor home perilous activities (such as inattentive walking) [11]. As environment assisting parents' supervision to prevent fall intrinsic factors are associated with health problems, a normal injuries. We identified the risk factors by analyzing real fall toddler's fall would be based on the extrinsic factors which injury stories and referring to a related organization's include their environments and activities. Therefore, this suggestions to prevent falls. In order to detect the risk factors . ' . using computer vision, two major image processing methods, rsech focuses o at e v n d i clutter detection and toddler tracking, were studied with using aspects related to fallig. only one commercial web-camera. For practical purposes, there The identification ofthe risk factors of a toddler's fall was is no need ...
Hana Na, Sheng Feng Qin, David Wright
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Hana Na, Sheng Feng Qin, David Wright
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