

An Effective Strategy for Porting C++ Applications on Cell

14 years 8 months ago
An Effective Strategy for Porting C++ Applications on Cell
In this paper we present a solution for efficient porting of sequential C++ applications on the Cell B.E. processor. We present our step-by-step approach, focusing on its generality, we provide a set of code templates and optimization guidelines to support the porting, and we include a set of equations to estimate the performance gain of the new application. As a case-study, we show the use of our solution on a multimedia content analysis application, named MARVEL. The results of our experiments with MARVEL prove the significant performance increase in favor of the application running on Cell when compared with the reference implementation.
Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Henk J. Sips, Kenneth A. Ros
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICPP
Authors Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Henk J. Sips, Kenneth A. Ross, Qiang Liu, Lurng-Kuo Liu, Apostol Natsev, John R. Smith
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