

AA-Sort: A New Parallel Sorting Algorithm for Multi-Core SIMD Processors

14 years 6 months ago
AA-Sort: A New Parallel Sorting Algorithm for Multi-Core SIMD Processors
Many sorting algorithms have been studied in the past, but there are only a few algorithms that can effectively exploit both SIMD instructions and threadlevel parallelism. In this paper, we propose a new parallel sorting algorithm, called Aligned-Access sort (AA-sort), for shared-memory multi processors. The AA-sort algorithm takes advantage of SIMD instructions. The key to high performance is eliminating unaligned memory accesses that would reduce the effectiveness of SIMD instructions. We implemented and evaluated the AA-sort on PowerPC ® 970MP and Cell Broadband EngineTM . In summary, a sequential version of the AA-sort using SIMD instructions outperformed IBM’s optimized sequential sorting
Hiroshi Inoue, Takao Moriyama, Hideaki Komatsu, To
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Hiroshi Inoue, Takao Moriyama, Hideaki Komatsu, Toshio Nakatani
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