Abstract— High-speed wireless communication technology (e.g. WiMAX) makes it feasible and cost-effective to build wireless back-hauls for Internet access. Compared to wired counterparts, it is challenging to optimize the performance of wireless back-haul due to the dynamic nature of wireless channels. In this paper, we propose a two-tier optimization scheme for load balancing objective. The first tier mechanism achieves long-term routing optimization while the second tier mechanism performs short-term adaptation to deal with the impact of dynamic channel conditions. Based on the average traffic demands and average link capacity, we use linear programming techniques to find the optimal routing policy for load balancing of each source-destination traffic by setting an appropriate weight to each link. This enable us to use current OSPF routers to build a wireless back-haul. Since current OSPF routers only support discrete traffic splitting, we propose a greedy MIN-MAX Congestion al...