

A Cost-Based Evaluation of End-to-End Network Measurements in Overlay Multicast

14 years 6 months ago
A Cost-Based Evaluation of End-to-End Network Measurements in Overlay Multicast
Abstract— Application-layer multicast (ALM, or overlay multicast) has been proposed to overcome limitations in IP multicast. While much measurement work (such as delay or connectivity measurement) has been conducted to build efficient ALM trees, several interesting questions therein are left unclear: (1) What are the measurement costs of the different measurement methods? (2) What is the major improvement to an ALM tree by using a certain measurement method? (3) To achieve the target tree performance, what is the most cost-efficient measurement method? In this paper, we study three representative measurement methods, i.e., delay measurement, connectivity measurement and available bandwidth measurement. We select six typical ALM protocols each adopting at least one of the measurement methods and evaluate their performance on Internet-like topologies. Our study shows that delay and connectivity measurements can effectively reduce end-to-end delay in overlay trees with low measurement...
Xing Jin, Qiuyan Xia, S.-H. Gary Chan
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Xing Jin, Qiuyan Xia, S.-H. Gary Chan
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