

Mesh or Multiple-Tree: A Comparative Study of Live P2P Streaming Approaches

14 years 8 months ago
Mesh or Multiple-Tree: A Comparative Study of Live P2P Streaming Approaches
Abstract—Existing approaches to P2P streaming can be divided into two general classes: (i) tree-based approaches use pushbased content delivery over multiple tree-shaped overlays, and (ii) mesh-based approaches use swarming content delivery over a randomly connected mesh. Previous studies have often focused on a particular P2P streaming mechanism and no comparison between these two classes has been conducted. In this paper, we compare and contrast the performance of representative protocols from each class using simulations. We identify the similarities and differences between these two approaches. Furthermore, we separately examine the behavior of content delivery and overlay construction mechanisms for both approaches in static and dynamic scenarios. Our results indicate that the meshbased approach consistently exhibits a superior performance over the tree-based approach. We also show that the main factors attributing in the inferior performance of the tree-based approach are (i) t...
Nazanin Magharei, Reza Rejaie, Yang Guo
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Nazanin Magharei, Reza Rejaie, Yang Guo
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