

Optimal Pricing in a Free Market Wireless Network

14 years 8 months ago
Optimal Pricing in a Free Market Wireless Network
We consider an ad-hoc wireless network operating within a free market economic model. Users send data over a choice of paths, and scheduling and routing decisions are updated dynamically based on time varying channel conditions, user mobility, and current network prices charged by intermediate nodes. Each node sets its own price for relaying services, with the goal of earning revenue that exceeds its time average reception and transmission expenses. We first develop a greedy pricing strategy that maximizes social welfare while ensuring all participants make non-negative profit. We then construct a (non-greedy) policy that balances profits more evenly by optimizing a profit fairness metric. Both algorithms operate in a distributed manner and do not require knowledge of traffic rates or channel statistics. This work demonstrates that individuals can benefit from carrying wireless devices even if they are not interested in their own personal communication.
Michael J. Neely
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Michael J. Neely
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