

Incorporating Latency in Heterogeneous Graph Partitioning

14 years 8 months ago
Incorporating Latency in Heterogeneous Graph Partitioning
Parallel applications based on irregular meshes make use of mesh partitioners for efficient execution. Some mesh partitioners can map a mesh to a heterogeneous computational platform, where processor and network performance may vary. Such partitioners generally model the computational platform as a weighted graph, where the weight of a vertex gives relative processor performance, and the weight of a link indicates the relative transmission rate of the link between two processors. However, the performance of a network link is typically characterized by two parameters, bandwidth and latency, which cannot be captured in a single weight. We show that taking into account the network heterogeneity of a computational resource can significantly improve the quality of a domain decomposition obtained using graph partitioning. Furthermore, we show that taking into account bandwidth and latency of the network links is significantly better than just considering the former. This work is presente...
Eric E. Aubanel, Xiaochen Wu
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPPS
Authors Eric E. Aubanel, Xiaochen Wu
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