

Prediction Services for Distributed Computing

14 years 9 months ago
Prediction Services for Distributed Computing
Users of distributed systems such as the TeraGrid and Open Science Grid can execute their applications on many different systems. We wish to help such users, or the grid schedulers they use, select where to run applications by providing predictions of when tasks will complete if sent to different systems. We make predictions of file transfer times, batch scheduler queue wait times, and application execution times using historical information and instancebased learning techniques. Our prediction errors for data from the TACC lonestar system are 37 percent of mean file transfer time, 115 percent for mean queue wait time, and 72 percent of mean execution time. Our approach achieves significantly lower prediction error on other workloads. We have wrapped these prediction techniques with web services, making predictions available to users of distributed systems as well as tools such as resource brokers and metaschedulers.
Warren Smith
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPPS
Authors Warren Smith
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