

Local Scheduling for Volunteer Computing

14 years 6 months ago
Local Scheduling for Volunteer Computing
BOINC, a middleware system for volunteer computing, involves projects, which distribute jobs, and hosts, which execute jobs. The local (host-level) scheduler addresses two issues: when to fetch new jobs from a project and, of the currently runnable jobs, which to execute. It seeks to simultaneously satisfy a number of constraints – such as maintaining given long-term ratios of work between projects, meeting deadlines for job reporting, and providing variety to the volunteer – using uncertain, dynamic information about resources and jobs. We describe these goals and factors, and discuss BOINC's local scheduling policies.
David P. Anderson, John McLeod
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPPS
Authors David P. Anderson, John McLeod
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