1 Scalable resource monitoring and discovery are essential to the planet-scale infrastructures such as Grids and PlanetLab. This paper proposes a scalable Grid monitoring architecture that builds distributed aggregation trees (DAT) on a structured P2P network like Chord. By leveraging Chord topology and routing mechanisms, the DAT trees are implicitly constructed from native Chord routing paths without membership maintenance. To balance the DAT trees, we propose a balanced routing algorithm on Chord that dynamically selects the parent of a node from its finger nodes by its distance to the root. This paper shows that this balanced routing algorithm enables the construction of almost completely balanced DATs, when nodes are evenly distributed in the Chord identifier space. We have evaluated the performance and scalability of a DAT prototype implementation with up to 8192 nodes. Our experimental results show that the balanced DAT scheme scales well to a large number of nodes and correspon...