

Visual path following using only monocular vision for urban environments

14 years 9 months ago
Visual path following using only monocular vision for urban environments
— This document provides a summary to a short video with the same title. The video shows the French intelligent transportation vehicle CyCab performing visual path following using only monocular vision. All phases of the process are shown with a spoken commentary. In the teaching phase, the user drives the robot manually while images from the camera are stored. Key images with corresponding images features are stored as a map together with 2D and 3D local information. In the navigation phase, CyCab follows the learned path by tracking the images features projected from the map and with a simple visual servoing control law.
Albert Diosi, Fabien Spindler, Anthony Remazeilles
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IROS
Authors Albert Diosi, Fabien Spindler, Anthony Remazeilles, Sinisa Segvic, François Chaumette
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