

Goal directed navigation with uncertainty in adversary locations

14 years 9 months ago
Goal directed navigation with uncertainty in adversary locations
— This paper addresses the problem of planning for goal directed navigation in the environment that contains a number of possible adversary locations. It first shows that commonly used approaches such as assumptive planning can result in very long and costly robot traverses. It then shows how one can solve the same problem using a general probabilistic planner we have recently developed called PPCP (Probabilistic Planning with Clear Preferences). The paper also introduces two optimizations to the PPCP algorithm that make it run up to five times faster for our domain. The experimental results show that solving the problem with PPCP can substantially reduce the expected execution cost as compared to assumptive planning. I. MOTIVATION This paper addresses the problem of planning for a robot whose task is to reach its goal as quickly as possible without being detected by an adversary. The robot does not know beforehand the precise locations of adversaries, but has a list of their possi...
Maxim Likhachev, Anthony Stentz
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IROS
Authors Maxim Likhachev, Anthony Stentz
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