Semiconductor transient faults (i.e. soft errors) have become an increasingly important threat to microprocessor reliability. Simultaneous multithreaded (SMT) architectures exploit thread-level parallelism to improve overall processor throughput. A great amount of research has been conducted in the past to investigate performance and power issues of SMT architectures. Nevertheless, the effect of multithreaded execution on a microarchitecture’s vulnerability to soft error remains largely unexplored. To address this issue, we have developed a microarchitecture level soft error vulnerability analysis framework for SMT architectures. Using a mixed set of SPEC CPU 2000 benchmarks, we quantify the impact of multithreading on a wide range of microarchitecture structures. We examine how the baseline SMT microarchitecture reliability profile varies with workload behavior, the number of threads and fetch policies. Our experimental results show that the overall vulnerability rises in multithre...
Wangyuan Zhang, Xin Fu, Tao Li, José A. B.