

Selection of Optimal Computing Platforms through the Suitability Measure

14 years 6 months ago
Selection of Optimal Computing Platforms through the Suitability Measure
Selection of spaceborne computing platforms requires balance among several competing factors. Traditional performance analysis techniques are illsuited for this purpose due to their overriding concern with runtime. The suitability measure is a new approach that quantifies the match between a computing platform and a program. It analyzes a program at the opcode and control flow levels, and compares this to a machine's capability to support the unique characteristics of the program. In this paper we develop the suitability measure and a series of program analysis methods. Experimental results confirm that machines that provide a better match to the program yield a higher suitability score. We prove that loops provide the only contribution to the suitability value, and also that the number of loop iterations is irrelevant, leading to the conclusion that a single pass through a loop is sufficient to derive a suitability value.
Shean T. McMahon, Isaac D. Scherson
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Shean T. McMahon, Isaac D. Scherson
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