

Decentralized Bootstrapping in Pervasive Applications

14 years 8 months ago
Decentralized Bootstrapping in Pervasive Applications
Abstract— Deploying world-scale pervasive applications usually requires substantial investments in server infrastructure. A better option is to use P2P techniques, because it distributes the load from the servers to the peers. However, this creates a new problem. Users do not know each others upfront and we do not want to rely on a central server infrastructure and therefore a single point of failure. Thus, we must provide a bootstrapping protocol that allows users to discover at least one peer of the overlay network. In this paper we give a survey of possible bootstrapping protocols and propose one approach that satisfies all of our requirements.
Mirko Knoll, Arno Wacker, Gregor Schiele, Torben W
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Mirko Knoll, Arno Wacker, Gregor Schiele, Torben Weis
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