

Enabling gestural interaction by means of tracking dynamical systems models and assistive feedback

14 years 9 months ago
Enabling gestural interaction by means of tracking dynamical systems models and assistive feedback
— The computational understanding of continuous human movement plays a significant role in diverse emergent applications in areas ranging from human computer interaction to physical and neuro- rehabilitation. Non-visual feedback can aid the continuous motion control tasks that such applications frequently entail. An architecture is introduced for enabling interaction with a system that furnishes a number of gestural affordances with assistive feedback. The approach combines machine learning techniques for understanding a user’s gestures with a method for the display of salient features of the underlying inference process in real time. Methods used include a particle filter to track multiple hypotheses about a user’s input as the latter is unfolding, together with models of the nonlinear dynamics intrinsic to the movements of interest. Non-visual feedback in this system is based on a presentation of error features derived from an estimate of the sampled time varying probability ...
Yon Visell, Jeremy R. Cooperstock
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SMC
Authors Yon Visell, Jeremy R. Cooperstock
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