

Multi-Dimensional Range Query over Encrypted Data

14 years 6 months ago
Multi-Dimensional Range Query over Encrypted Data
We design an encryption scheme called Multi-dimensional Range Query over Encrypted Data (MRQED), to address the privacy concerns related to the sharing of network audit logs and various other applications. Our scheme allows a network gateway to encrypt summaries of network flows before submitting them to an untrusted repository. When network intrusions are suspected, an authority can release a key to an auditor, allowing the auditor to decrypt flows whose attributes (e.g., source and destination addresses, port numbers, etc.) fall within specific ranges. However, the privacy of all irrelevant flows are still preserved. We formally define the security for MRQED and prove the security of our construction under the decision bilinear Diffie-Hellman and decision linear assumptions in certain bilinear groups. We study the practical performance of our construction in the context of network audit logs. Apart from network audit logs, our scheme also has interesting applications for fina...
Elaine Shi, John Bethencourt, Hubert T.-H. Chan, D
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SP
Authors Elaine Shi, John Bethencourt, Hubert T.-H. Chan, Dawn Xiaodong Song, Adrian Perrig
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