

How Do Users Express Goals on the Web? - An Exploration of Intentional Structures in Web Search

14 years 9 months ago
How Do Users Express Goals on the Web? - An Exploration of Intentional Structures in Web Search
Many activities on the web are driven by high-level goals of users, such as “plan a trip” or “buy some product”. In this paper, we are interested in exploring the role and structure of users’ goals in web search. We want gain insights into how users express goals, and how their goals can be represented in a semi-formal way. The paper presents results from an exploratory study that focused on analyzing selected search sessions from a search engine log. In a detailed example, we demonstrate how goal-oriented search can be represented and understood as a traversal of goal graphs. Finally, we provide some ideas on how to construct large-scale goal graphs in a semi-algorithmic, collaborative way. We conclude with a description of a series of challenges that we consider to be important for future research.
Markus Strohmaier, Mathias Lux, Michael Granitzer,
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WISE
Authors Markus Strohmaier, Mathias Lux, Michael Granitzer, Peter Scheir, Sotirios Liaskos, Eric S. K. Yu
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