

Sampling for Sequential Pattern Mining: From Static Databases to Data Streams

14 years 9 months ago
Sampling for Sequential Pattern Mining: From Static Databases to Data Streams
Sequential pattern mining is an active field in the domain of knowledge discovery. Recently, with the constant progress in hardware technologies, real-world databases tend to grow larger and the hypothesis that a database can be loaded into main-memory for sequential pattern mining purpose is no longer valid. Furthermore, the new model of data as a continuous and potentially infinite flow, known as data stream model, call for a pre-processing step to ease the mining operations. Since the database size is the most influential factor for mining algorithms we examine the use of sampling over static databases to get approximate mining results with an upper bound on the error rate. Moreover, we extend these sampling analysis and present an algorithm based on reservoir sampling to cope with sequential pattern mining over data streams. We demonstrate with empirical results that our sampling methods are efficient and that sequence mining remains accurate over static databases and data st...
Chedy Raïssi, Pascal Poncelet
Added 05 Jun 2010
Updated 05 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICDM
Authors Chedy Raïssi, Pascal Poncelet
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