

CUDL Language Semantics, Liven Up the FDB Data Model

14 years 9 months ago
CUDL Language Semantics, Liven Up the FDB Data Model
The semantics of a new language (CUDL – Conceptual Universal Database Language), designed to manage dynamic database environments, are presented. This language conforms to the FDB (Frame DataBase) data model. The FDB model supports conceptual database record processing using a universal schema that eliminates completely the need for reorganization at logical and internal levels when changes in a database application occur. The CUDL language offers a focused, flexible, efficient and highly expressive environment that also takes advantage of the FDB’s characteristics of a continuously evolving database. It provides the ability to define and manipulate database information and changes that can be easily navigated, ensuring full maintainability of all applications. We present a formal definition of the CUDL language’s semantics with example interpretations. The basic features, query specification and interpretation, object manipulation, query language constructs and query processing ...
Nikitas Karanikolas, Maria Nitsiou, Emmanuel J. Ya
Added 06 Jun 2010
Updated 06 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Nikitas Karanikolas, Maria Nitsiou, Emmanuel J. Yannakoudakis, Christos Skourlas
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