

The Use of Various Data Mining and Feature Selection Methods in the Analysis of a Population Survey Dataset

14 years 9 months ago
The Use of Various Data Mining and Feature Selection Methods in the Analysis of a Population Survey Dataset
This paper reports the results of feature reduction in the analysis of a population based dataset for which there were no specific target variables. All attributes were assessed as potential targets in models derived from the full dataset and from subsets of it. The feature selection methods used were of the filter and wrapper types as well as clustering techniques. The predictive accuracy and the complexity of models based on the reduced datasets for each method were compared both amongst the methods and with those of the complete dataset. Analysis showed a marked similarity in the correlated features chosen by the supervised (filter) methods and moderate consistency in those chosen by the clustering methods (unsupervised). The breadth of distribution of the correlated features amongst the attribute groups was related in large part to the number of attributes selected by the given algorithm or elected by the user. Characteristics related to Health and Home, Paid and Volunteer Work an...
Ellen Pitt, Richi Nayak
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Ellen Pitt, Richi Nayak
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