

Process Mining Based on Regions of Languages

14 years 6 months ago
Process Mining Based on Regions of Languages
In this paper we give an overview, how to apply region based methods for the synthesis of Petri nets from languages to process mining. The research domain of process mining aims at constructing a process model from an event log, such that the process model can reproduce the log, and does not allow for much more behaviour than shown in the log. We here consider Petri nets to represent process models. Event logs can be interpreted as finite languages. Region based synthesis methods can be used to construct a Petri net from a language generating the minimal net behaviour including the given language. Therefore, it seems natural to apply such methods in the process mining domain. There are several different region based methods in literature yielding different Petri nets. We adapt these methods to the process mining domain and compare them concerning efficiency and usefulness of the resulting Petri net.
Robin Bergenthum, Jörg Desel, Robert Lorenz,
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where BPM
Authors Robin Bergenthum, Jörg Desel, Robert Lorenz, Sebastian Mauser
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