

A Context-based Approach for Complex Semantic Matching

14 years 6 months ago
A Context-based Approach for Complex Semantic Matching
Semantic matching1 is a fundamental step in implementing data sharing applications. Most systems automating this task however limit themselves to finding simple (one-to-one) matching. In fact, complex (many-to-many) matching raises a far more difficult problem as the search space of concept combinations is often very large. This article presents Indigo, a system discovering complex matching in two steps. First, it semantically enriches data sources with complex concepts extracted from their development artifacts. It then proceeds to the alignment of data sources thus enhanced. Key words: complex matching, semantic matching, context analysis
Youssef Bououlid Idrissi, Julie Vachon
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Youssef Bououlid Idrissi, Julie Vachon
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