Abstract. In this paper we study Perfectly Secure Message Transmission (PSMT) between a sender S and a receiver R, connected in a directed synchronous network through multiple parallel edges (called wires), each of which are directed from S to R or vice-versa. The unreliability of the network is modeled by an Byzantine adversary with infinite power. We investigate the problem with two different adversarial flavors: (i)threshold: and (ii) non-threshold: In [1], the authors have characterize PSMT against a t-active threshold adversary in directed networks 3 . However, their PSMT protocol was exponential both in terms of number of phases4 and communication complexity. In addition, they also presented a polynomial phase PSMT protocol with n = max(3t−u+1, 2t+1) wires from S to R. In this paper, we significantly improve the exponential phase protocol and present an elegant and efficient three phase PSMT protocol with polynomial communication complexity (and computational complexity) wi...