The text of this paper has passed across many Internet routers on its way to the reader, but some routers will not pass it along unfettered because of censored words it contains. We present two sets of results: 1) Internet measurements of keyword filtering by the Great “Firewall” of China (GFC); and 2) initial results of using latent semantic analysis as an efficient way to reproduce a blacklist of censored words via probing. Our Internet measurements suggest that the GFC’s keyword filtering is more a panopticon than a firewall, i.e., it need not block every illicit word, but only enough to promote self-censorship. China’s largest ISP, ChinaNET, performed 83.3% of all filtering of our probes, and 99.1% of all filtering that occurred at the first hop past the Chinese border. Filtering occurred beyond the third
Jedidiah R. Crandall, Daniel Zinn, Michael Byrd, E