— Privacy is the claim of individuals, groups and institutions to determine for themselves, when, how and to what extent information about them is communicated to others. How to leak authoritative secrets in an elegant way? The paper aims to solve this problem. The desired security properties i.e. Semantic-Security; Recipient-Designation; Verification-Dependence; Designated-Verifier SignatureVerifiability; Public Signature-Verifiability; RecipientAmbiguity; Designated-Verifier Recipient-Verifiability; Public Recipient-Verifiability; Signer-Ambiguity; SignerVerifiability are specified in secret leakage. Based on ChowYiu-Hui’s ID-based ring signature scheme and techniques of zero-knowledge proof, an ID-based controlled secret leakage scheme is proposed. The proposed scheme satisfies all specified security properties and can be used in trust negotiation.