

The IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems for Lecture Meetings

14 years 9 months ago
The IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems for Lecture Meetings
The paper describes the IBM systems submitted to the NIST Rich Transcription 2007 (RT07) evaluation campaign for the speechto-text (STT) and speaker-attributed speech-to-text (SASTT) tasks on the lecture meeting domain. Three testing conditions are considered, namely the multiple distant microphone (MDM), single distant microphone (SDM), and individual headset microphone (IHM) ones – the latter for the STT task only. The IBM system building process is similar to that employed last year for the STT Rich Transcription Spring 2006 evaluation (RT06s). However, a few technical advances have been introduced for RT07: (a) better speaker segmentation; (b) system combination via the ROVER approach applied over an ensemble of systems, some of which are built by randomized decision tree state-tying; and (c) development of a very large language model consisting of 152M n-grams, incorporating, among other sources, 525M words of web data, and used in conjunction with a dynamic decoder. These advan...
Jing Huang, Etienne Marcheret, Karthik Visweswaria
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Jing Huang, Etienne Marcheret, Karthik Visweswariah, Vit Libal, Gerasimos Potamianos
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