In this paper we present new techniques for improving backtracking based Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problem (QCSP) solvers. QCSP is a generalization of CSP in which variables are either universally or existentially quantified and these quantifiers can be alternated in arbitrary ways. Our main new technique is solution directed backjumping (SBJ). In analogue to conflict directed backjumping, SBJ allows the solver to backtrack out of solved sub-trees without having to find all of the distinct solutions normally required to validate the universal variables. Experiments with the solver QCSP-Solve demonstrate that SBJ can improve its performance on random instances by orders of magnitude. In addition to this contribution, we demonstrate that performing varying levels of propagation for universal vs. existential variables can also be useful for enhancing performance. Finally, we discuss some techniques that are technically interesting but do not yet yield empirical improvements....