

PLAZZMID: An Evolutionary Agent-Based Architecture Inspired by Bacteria and Bees

14 years 9 months ago
PLAZZMID: An Evolutionary Agent-Based Architecture Inspired by Bacteria and Bees
Abstract. Classical evolutionary algorithms have been extremely successful at solving certain problems. But they implement a very simple model of evolutionary biology that misses out several aspects that might be exploited by more sophisticated algorithms. We have previously critiqued the traditional na¨ıve approach to bio-inspired algorithm design, that moves straight from a simplistic description of the biology into some algorithm. Here we present a process for developing richer evolutionary ms abstracted from various processes of biological evolution, with a corresponding richer analogical computational structure, and indicate might be further abstracted.
Susan Stepney, Tim Clarke, Peter Young
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ECAL
Authors Susan Stepney, Tim Clarke, Peter Young
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